
Cupcakes and Etch

Sometimes you will get a deal thrown at you that is going to be an uphill battle. Instead of losing motivation, look at it as two things: a challenge and a teaching opportunity. - PHOTO: City of...

Sometimes you will get a deal thrown at you that is going to be an uphill battle. Instead of losing motivation, look at it as two things: a challenge and a teaching opportunity.

Change Is Required

The automotive industry is going through rapid change, facing additional costs associated with personnel, benefits, and retention, and depending on a steady stream of additional customers to...

The automotive industry is going through rapid change, facing additional costs associated with personnel, benefits, and retention, and depending on a steady stream of additional customers to replace those customers that have defected. So how do you change how you conduct business to meet the current challenge?

F&I in a Post-COVID-19 World

The last few months have been strange — we aren’t sure what next week will look like, and many of the goals for 2020 are in question because our ability to earn money has been compromised. So, the...

The last few months have been strange — we aren’t sure what next week will look like, and many of the goals for 2020 are in question because our ability to earn money has been compromised. So, the quicker we can adapt, the better opportunity we will have for success in the future.

Pruning Time!

Today’s reality is presenting us with both challenging times as well as countless possibilities. Success is reserved for those that dare to prune their process to assure future growth in skills...

Today’s reality is presenting us with both challenging times as well as countless possibilities. Success is reserved for those that dare to prune their process to assure future growth in skills and profits.

Getting the Most Out of Your Menu

With the increasing demand to generate revenue from the business office today, coupled with the number of products available and the client's lack of focus, makes maximizing your menu...

With the increasing demand to generate revenue from the business office today, coupled with the number of products available and the client's lack of focus, makes maximizing your menu challenging. Trent White with American Financial's F&I University is here to share a solution to help get the most out of your menu.

Hot Coffee

Everyone wants power and freedom, yet no one wants accountability. We won’t ever change the consumer, but if we better understand their behavior, we can better prepare ourselves for some of the...

Everyone wants power and freedom, yet no one wants accountability. We won’t ever change the consumer, but if we better understand their behavior, we can better prepare ourselves for some of the pitfalls of dealing with the general public.

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